lunes, 30 de mayo de 2016

Taller “Managing your Freelance Translation Business”

Los invitamos a participar en el taller “Managing your Freelance Translation Business” que impartirá Jennifer Nielsen.

Lugar: Hotel Laffayette, ubicado en Av. La Paz 2055, Colonia Americana.
Fecha: 24 de junio 
Hora: 5:00 a 8:00 p.m.
Costo: $300.00 miembros de la OMT y estudiantes $450.00 público en general

Fecha límite de inscripción 22 de junio.
Cupo limitado.

Para inscribirse, favor de enviar correo con ficha de depósito a:

Pago mediante depósito bancario:
Banco: Banorte Nombre: Organización de Traductores de Occidente, A. C Plaza: 9491 (Guadalajara) Cuenta: 0170391708 CLABE: 072 320 00170391708 4

Managing your Freelance Translation Business 

As translators we invest large amounts of time and money in developing the language skills necessary to become professionals, yet when we begin working in the field, we quickly realize that translating documents is only one part of having a successful career. We must also develop a wide range of skills necessary in order to run our translation business. In this 3 hour workshop we will discuss the nitty gritty of what it takes to manage a small business, including handling issues relating to finances and expenses, tax issues, preparing quotes and invoicing, calculating rates, subcontracting, official certifications and interactions with clients.
The goal of the workshop is for participants to become aware of and be prepared to handle practical issues relating to running a translation business and making a living as a freelance translator.

Jennifer Nielsen is a Spanish to English translator specializing in law, academia and marketing. She has a Master’s degree in translation and interpreting from the Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara and has been a certified translator by the Judiciary Council of the State of Jalisco since 2012. She is a native of Colorado, United States and has worked full-time as a freelance translator, interpreter, editor and project manager since 2010. For more information visit

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